I just wanted to write a really quick post to pass along some important information and to let you all know I'll be writing a more comprehensive post soon!!! I'm so sorry that I've been so out of touch for so long. Especially because so many of you have shown so much love and care and compassion to my dad, someone who is a total stranger to you, and it has touched him beyond what words can ever say. Literally, it's left him speechless.
This journey has been quite the crazy one and it's been a tough battle lately, hence the lack of updates here. What we do know is that he didn't respond well to his last round of treatment and that from his CT scan, his oncologist says that his cancer seems to have spread. We don't know how much exactly yet. Right now, all the doctor could see was that he had new growth on his lower lung now and a new adrenal nodule growth. He's getting his PET scan tomorrow with results Wednesday and I'll know much more after that.
The main reason of this post TODAY though, is to let you all know that I moved!!! I needed to be closer to my dad and I needed some more peace of mind for myself and I'm so very happy I made this move!! I'm now in a house instead of an apartment which is AWESOME and I'm 5 minutes away from my dad instead of 40 minutes. My new address is updated in the "where to send stuff" tab and if you've sent anything in the last couple of weeks, it will get forwarded here. Sorry I didn't update this sooner!!! I'm not even sure if anyone reads this anymore :p
I'll be back with a more detailed post on what's going on with my dad and how his spirits are once I know a little bit more. Miss you all and thank you for your continued support!!
I'm sorry you haven't had good news about the cancer but very happy that you're in a house you love and closer to him, now. Hopefully, that will take a bit of stress off you!